Tweaking FSX – the prequel

I get really bored really fast when I’m not actually flying but I want perfect frames in excellent scenery – so here’s my own little FSX Tweaking experiment

Spice Up the Pattern

Flying in circles can get old; spice it up a bit and hone your aviation skill while flying the pattern

FSX: Making it More Real

A look at some resources that allow the virtual pilot to add some more realism to FSX flights, including runway conditions, icing, engine management and failures.

IMC – Sheer Disorientation

I’d like to consider myself a man with a strong stomach. I bungee jump. I used to ski competitively, and had a ton of fun doing flips in the terrain park. Roller coasters are a personal favourite of mine, and … Continued

5 Essentials for Long Haul Flights

Are you looking to get started with long haul flying, or perfect the skills you already have? Long haul if fun and easy if you have a bit of knowledge.

Death Of George (The Autopilot)

It’s a clear sunny day and ATC gives you your takeoff clearance.  You advance the throttles and smoothly accelerate the aircraft to VR and rotate.  Upon positive rate, you retract the gear, and at 400ft. you hit the Center Autopilot in Command.

Gliding: Your Last Chance at Survival

Ok, so we’ve all been nose-deep in the 777s FCOMs recently looking up every little detail on how to fix any little problem that can happen, and hopefully a good number of you have delved deep into our 777 training … Continued

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