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Updated regularly with the latest news (Latest at top)
September 3 2135Z: PMDG 777 Released! Be patient with the PMDG website. It’s getting SLAMMED right now. Lots of people want this airplane!
September 3 1120Z: We tried out Twitch.TV, as you can see above, and will be broadcasting live throughout the release and pre-release.
September 2 0958Z: Finding it unbearable to wait for the 777? We have some tips that may help you out: “777 RELEASE ANXIETY? 7 WAYS TO USE THIS TIME TO PREPARE”
September 2 0540Z: Quite a funny little quip from AVSIM! Humor: This is what a pressure relieve valve is for.
August 31 0643Z: We release a 1 Hour 21 Minute video showing off the amazing PMDG 777. We’re excited to show you this very in depth video, as it’s a taster of what our FlightWork Training for the 777 will be like.
August 30 1806Z: PMDG releases news on Facebook/AVSIM that Release will be delayed several days. Stating it will be “Monday-Thursday time-frame of next week”, we expect release to be in the next several days some time. Sit tight!
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