Every now and again, I get to do some amazing things. As a pilot, the world is truly my oyster. My world is full of backcountry airstrips, lakes and gravel bars.

Although I’m not a seasoned bush pilot quite yet, I sure enjoy the experiences I do get to have. So far my float lessons have been enriching and enlightening.

In this particular instance Alex and I, of Dragonfly Aero, went out to Caribou Lake. Wanting to get some shots of the aircraft doing different things, I was dropped off on shore while Alex did a ‘demo’.

This feels like real flying to me. A man, out in the elements, flying an airplane in sparsely populated area. Besides, flight is still an amazing things. The fact that I- like many- get to conquer the blue sky, is a blessing I try hard not to forget.

I hope you enjoy this video! I’d love to hear your comments. And please checkout DragonFly Aero!

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