We are considering doing additional and continuing training for the PMDG 777. Our 737 LineWork has been quite popular, and we thought perhaps you all would like it for the 777 as well.
(For those of you just starting with the 777, click this link)
What is LineWork?
LineWork is what separates the casual flight simmers from the truly ‘professional’ simmers.
Sure, you may be able to fly from A-to-B- but are you confident you can handle any emergency, any condition, any flight, and any procedure?
Unless you’re a real 777 pilot, the answer is likely ‘No’.
LineWork gives you regular (twice a month) training sessions. Your training never ends as you ‘fly the line’ as airline pilots do. Flying the line means you’re out there, doing the job, and doing it regularly.
If you have the 777 Training, or have the 777 in your hangar, can you please take this survey? We even want to hear form you that DON’T want LineWork, so we can get a real idea of who wants this.
This article was posted in 777, Blog, Boeing 777, PMDG 777
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