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Through all of the recent video tutorials that Angle of Attack has done, I’ve made sure to make the environment that we film in as real as possible.

This means that we invest in the latest and greatest addons for flight simulator, and we keep our systems top of the line.

I get questions almost every day asking, “Chris, what addons do you use?” or “Wow! What is your hardware setup?!”.

Well, one of the AMAZING weather addons I use is called REX; Real Environment X.

REX is way more than just weather textures. It has sky textures (dawn, day and dusk), all different cloud types, different runway and taxiway textures, water textures and bump maps (different wave types) and so on.

If you’re looking for the hands down best enhancement to your simulator that’ll make the biggest difference right away, REX is it.

Now… REX was released a while ago. BUT… They just released a FREE 9GB upgrade. That basically doubles if not triples the textures that were already available!

So that is what this post is about. REX has just released Overdrive, and it’s available for download.


You must be an existing REX owner for this to work (and it’ll work if you become an owner today).


Who out there owns REX? Can you verify my glowing review of this product? Let’s show REX that AOA and it’s Trainees LOVE their great stuff!

This article was posted in Addons, Blog, Flight Simulator

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