X-Plane Announces that it’ll support the Oculus Rift when it becomes available to the public. Find out more details in this article.

3 Rockin' Environment Addons You Need
Is your simulator environment a little dry and boring? Fear not, we have a couple addon recommendations that will really blow the socks off your feet, and the wheel pants off your 172.

Final Voting! 777 Paint Top 5
Wow! The Battle of the Liveries has been quite a big journey. And the reaction has been great! I think we speak for the community as a whole when we say just how impressive these entries are.

VOTE NOW! 777 Paint Contest
We have been really shocked by some of the amazing entries we’ve received. And, it’s now time to vote for your favorites!

Major Update from Navigraph
Today is was announced from Navigraph that nearly all of their services have been improved to one extent or another. This can only be good news for simulator pilots who rely on the services from Navigraph to provide them with up to date information to safely navigate the virtual skies.

The Ultimate 737 FlightWork Preview
This is for you 737NGX drivers out there that haven’t quite jumped on the band-wagon yet and joined our in depth training for this aircraft. Admittedly, we don’t do a great job sharing with you just how in depth our training is. Today, I want to give you a deep look at just how detailed our training is.

Defining Moment in Time
There are moments that define history. Without pausing and reflecting, it’ll be all too easy to let it pass right on by. One of those happened to us at Angle of Attack in the last 24 hours.

FREE REX Overdrive Released
Looking for a quality environment upgrade for FSX, FS9 or X-Plane? Look no further than REX. Hands down it’s the best environment upgrade – and now there’s a whole lot more they just released FOR FREE!