Watch as a Cirrus SR22 is ditched on it’s way to Hawaii. Once again, the CAPS system proves to be an amazing safety component.
Cockpit Emergencies can be cumbersome, but these tips may just save your life.
What happens when you don’t introduce some surprises to your flying?
I had family waiting for me, weather to beat, and terrain to fly over. How Poor Aeronautical Decision Making limited my options, until I turned it around
I’d like to consider myself a man with a strong stomach. I bungee jump. I used to ski competitively, and had a ton of fun doing flips in the terrain park. Roller coasters are a personal favourite of mine, and … Continued
It’s a clear sunny day and ATC gives you your takeoff clearance. You advance the throttles and smoothly accelerate the aircraft to VR and rotate. Upon positive rate, you retract the gear, and at 400ft. you hit the Center Autopilot in Command.
And other reasons flight sim has improved my real world aviation experience Emergencies “Ok, I want you to memorize the first three checklist items for each emergency before our next flight,” my instructor said as we were securing the 172 … Continued
Ok, so we’ve all been nose-deep in the 777s FCOMs recently looking up every little detail on how to fix any little problem that can happen, and hopefully a good number of you have delved deep into our 777 training … Continued

Unattainable Perfection
Each day we strive to be better. We try to remember to take out the trash on time, pay that bill on time, eat fewer calories, be more kind, take more time with family, or even as simple as spending a full two minutes brushing our teeth rather than rushing through it.