5 Handy Tips for Solid Hand-Flying

These days, the art of hand-flying seems to be a bygone era. Unfortunate as that may be, it’s the result of highly automated aircraft taking the flying opportunities from pilots. Catch 22 works in ironic ways, as the pilot is the one that has to turn on the autopilot in the first place, making him the creator of his own demise.

When Landing on One Wheel IS Acceptable!

A perfectly executed crosswind landing is a step-by-step process, but the steps happen in a short amount of time. Learn the steps here, and sharpen your skills in the simulator.

Simplifying Crosswind Landings!

I‘ve always been amazed at how overly complicated people can make crosswind landings seem. While they certainly are one of the more challenging items to master, when it comes to learning to fly, they really aren’t all that complicated.

Curve-ball! Learning to Adjust

When learning how to fly, students are generally taught new tasks by simply memorizing procedures. This is a great way to introduce a new concept to the student, but if they don’t eventually understand what is fully happening, they wont be able to cope with any abnormalities that will eventually, and inevitably occur.

My Scariest Moment as a Pilot

There are a lot of sayings in the Aviation Community to prove various points. One of them fits this story perfectly: “Being a pilot consists of long periods of bordem speckled with moments of shear terror”

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